Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just a List of Things I'm Looking Forward To.

10 Things I'm looking forward to on my Mission:
(in no particular order)

1. Preaching the Gospel and sharing my testimony!

2. Being called "Hermana Escott" by the native-speakers.

3. No awful dating drama for 18 months!

4. Being in another country and having a foreign experience.

5. Speaking in Spanish

6. HUMIDITY! and HEAT! (Idaho weather gets old real fast)

7. Learning to put my life entirely into the hands of the Lord.

8. Maybe seeing a Scarlet Macaw.

9. And/or a quetzal.

10. Honduran Food. Except really. 

That looks amazingly delicious.

It's going to be hard, but it'll be the best hard time of my life.

~Hermana Scott

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