Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today is the Day

Well folks, it has finally come time to sign off of the internet for 18 months.  I can proudly say that I am grateful to have this opportunity to leave behind the distractions of the world and devote myself entirely to the Lord's work.  I know that He loves me and all of His children.  He has called me to the Tegucigalpa Honduras mission because there are people there who will need MY testimony. This gospel is true! If you are not as sure of this as I am, SEEK IT!
See ya in 18 months!
-HERMANA (officially) Jordan Scott

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Two Weeks!

So I'm in the home stretch now.  I returned home this past weekend from BYU-Idaho, which was a bittersweet time for me. I love BYUI and the spirit there is sweet and very special.  However, it is wonderful to be home with my family for a short time, particularly with my brother whom I hadn't seen since HE left for HIS mission in Peru two years ago.  As I am waiting to depart, I am madly preparing all the things I need to for my mission AKA shopping until I drop, going to the TEMPLE :) and unpacking/packing. Its a good time.
Only two more weeks until I will be in the Guatemala MTC! Can't wait!
-Hermana Scott